Keving's EDCI 338

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Blog 2 v+r map

Many students use digital platforms to build and maintain their professional networks. For students, who usually have little experience, they rely on digital platforms, such as e-mail, Google Docs, and classroom portals like Blackboard. They also use social media sites for professionals, such as LinkedIn and Academia and public social media channels like Twitter and blogs. This way, students take advantage of a wide range of platforms to expand their connections.

They can make connections with people in different fields and see how they can use their education in different career paths.

However, data privacy and security concerns can end up limiting a student’s professional network. A student might want to keep her personal information restricted or they might be reluctant to upload a profile photo since it can be cross-checked with photo-identifying software should someone want to find something “embarrassing” about me on my social media accounts. However, sometimes data privacy and security checks can make a network more secure and assure its users that their data is protected. That way, users will still use their platforms, and they will be more willing to share content.

My network has a strong digital identity. I connect my LinkedIn account with Facebook, and I cross-post on Twitter and TickTock. I also had a blog and a writing website on Medium for a while, where I would post selected content. That way, my ideas spread, and I have a higher chance of being read and liked. My name also gains recognition in popularity algorithms so I might appear higher up in web searches.

My V+R map would show a prospective employer that I use Google for mainly for entertainment and personal use, but that I have nothing to hide. However, they will also see that I use Google for professional purposes, such as learning about various topics that extend my class readings. My Google account will also lead them to some public Google Docs and my Google Drive file, which showcase my work and skills. Similarly, my Office 365 account is also linked to my professional Outlook email, which I use to contact professionals in my network.

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  1. ruobingbai October 2, 2021

    Hi, Keving. I agree with you that students can use a wide range of platforms to expand their connections. Such as online teaching videos, and also get more opportunities. But there is a lot of data privacy and security issues. Sometimes I don’t want to post my photos on the Internet. I feel very private. Some data, however, can make the web more secure, such as facial recognition authentication.

  2. liding wang November 8, 2021

    Hi Keving!
    Thanks for sharing. I agree with you that the cross-launch will spread this idea more widely. Associating one account with another is a good way to publish on different PLNs at the same time so that users of different PLNs can see it. The method is very practical, and at the same time I think it can be liked and shared, and it can also be seen by more people.

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