Keving's EDCI 338

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Final blog review

JiaQiz’s blog is very informative about how PLNs can help a user develop a stronger voice in designing ways to reach out to an audience. The blog’s structure is very simple and direct. I like the how it is very visually interactive. The infograms were very clever in demonstrating concepts grouped around a central theme. One suggestion might be to make the infograms larger so that they are more legible. For example, the first inforgram is like a poster with a strong vertical element. However, there is a lot of blank space on the right margins. At the same time, the infogram has a small font size, and it can be hard to read the descriptions. One strategy that you might consider is modifying the infogram’s dimensions so that it fills the blog’s white space and then making the font size larger.

I was also a little confused as to why the blog’s texts repeated the information from the infograms. It is actually easier to read the larger font size in the blog than in the infogram, which I found to be helpful. However, we are basically seeing the same information presented twice. I suggest making the font size in the infograms larger and then maybe giving an example of how the concepts work in the blog space. For example, for “Open Shot Video Editor,” instead of repeating the decription for this service, we can link to a YouTube video or a sample of how this editor program works. That way, the blog becomes an elaboration of the description rather than a repeat. You will also make the blogs more interactive with clickable links for each example.

Despite my suggestions, I enjoyed reading the blog. It is very clean and has an appealing layout. The images and the text are clear, and it reminded me a lot about PLNs. I will refer to it in the future!

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