Keving's EDCI 338

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blog#4 Personal Learning Network

I would create a personal learning network (PLN) prior to engaging in a social media campaign by developing my public presence on popular social media platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram. I would comment on other individuals’ content, initiate meaningful conversations with individuals through direct messages, and create friendships with individuals to ingratiate myself with the platforms’ communities. By establishing myself as a well-liked member of the communities of several social media platforms, I will have a solid foundation upon which I can embark on my own content creation.

Based on my chosen topic of body positivity, I have considered its audience, which would primarily consist of individuals in the 18-to-24 demographic. Both men and women face body image issues, but the audience would likely skew toward having more female individuals due to the substantially more prominent pressure that women face in terms of their body image, particularly on image-based platforms like Instagram.

I would create a social media campaign leveraging my PLN by publishing content on all of my social media platforms on which I have established myself as a likeable community member. Due to my previous efforts to cultivate substantive relationships with numerous individuals through commenting and direct messaging, I can anticipate that my campaign will be heavily engaged by the individuals with whom I forged friendships. The high initial engagement upon publishing my campaign posts will boost my accounts’ standings in the platforms’ algorithms, thereby helping me gain more organic growth and reach among additional users.

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